HHA – Annual Skills Fair Test 2020

HHA 1-42: ALL HHA STAFF:  Blood Borne Pathogens & COVID-19 & HHA Test

Step 1 of 5

  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • Mission & Vision

  • Our mission statement is: CHC strives to provide quality nursing care in the home setting utilizing a comprehensive team approach to promote independence for individuals as well as nurture connections to the community through education, advocacy & empathy. VIEW BOARD
  • Our vision statement is: To be recognized as the premier provider of home health services in New England while achieving 100% patient and employee satisfaction. VIEW BOARD
  • JCAHO Goals

  • CHC’s patient oriented goals to comply with Joint Commission’s National Patient Safety Goals are to identify patients correctly, use medicatons safely, prevent infection & falls, and identify any patient safety risks. VIEW BOARD
  • Fraud

  • It is insurance fraud to submit a signed note that is blank/empty. VIEW BOARD
  • Corporate Compliance

  • You can directly recruit clients to CHC regardless of actual skilled need. VIEW BOARD
  • The CHC Compliance officer is Jenna Barta. VIEW BOARD
  • DPH Reporting

  • You can be fined or sentenced to jail for not reporting abuse/neglect. VIEW BOARD
  • You have to report suspected abuse to your immediate Supervisor prior to filing a report with DPH. VIEW BOARD

  • All patients are instructed of their rights of confidentiality during the Admission process. VIEW BOARD
  • Signed consent for release of information is obtained from the patient at the time of Admission. VIEW BOARD
  • Flu Prevention

  • You can still get the current strain of flu if you are vaccinated against it. VIEW BOARD
  • If you got the flu shot last year, you don’t need to get it again this year. VIEW BOARD
  • Handwashing

  • You do not need to wash your hands after contact with inanimate objects (ie cell phone) or medical equiptment.VIEW BOARD
  • When hands are visibly soiled, you cannot use hand sanitizer, you must use soap & water. VIEW BOARD
  • OSHA

  • Under the OSHA Act, employers are NOT responsible for providing a safe and healthful workplace. VIEW BOARD
  • Driving Safety

  • According to the National Safety Council, the minimum safe following distance between you and the vehicle in front of you is one second. VIEW BOARD
  • Ergonomics

  • When you are unsure of lifting/moving an object it is best to just go ahead and perform the action. VIEW BOARD
  • Using a wide base of support and your leg muscles while lifting is better than using an unsafe back position. VIEW BOARD
  • Work Place Violence

  • CHC does not promote fighting or threatening violence in the workplace. VIEW BOARD
  • Sexual Abuse & Harassment

  • Actions, words, jokes or comments based on an individual’s sex, race, ethnicity, age, or religion are acceptable at CHC. VIEW BOARD
  • CHC has a zero-tolerance policy for sexual abuse committed by an employee. VIEW BOARD